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In September 2004, the expression Giving priority to efficiency did not appear in documents from the Fourth Plenary Session. In October 2005, it was officially replaced by more emphasis upon social fairness so that the whole population can enjoy the accomplishments of reform and development in the Proposals of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee with regard to the Formulation of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for the National Economy and Social Development passed on the Fifth Plenary Session. What are the implications of this change and how do the two sayings differ from each another? This article by Mr. Liu Guoguang, an economics expert, will help to guide readers through this issue. Social fairness is a vital issue in the building of a congenial socialist society. If social fairness is lacking, the building of such a society will be out of the question. In order to attack due importance to social fairness, the relationship between economic efficiency and social fairness must be properly handled. Rediscovering the relationship between efficiency and fairness The concepts of "fairness" and "efficiency" are, theoretically speaking, a unity of two opposites. Common sense tells us that the more equitable income distribution is, the lower the people's enthusiasm and efficiency becomes and that a reasonable income gap, provided the distribution procedures and regulations are fair, can help to increase efficiency. On the other hand, the "cake" cannot be made bigger in the absence of improved efficiency, thus making it difficult to maintain sustainable fairness and resolve a growing number of social contradictions. However, if fairness is ignored, the income gap will further widen-particularly in regard to unfair distribution rules-and this could lead to lower efficiency and even affect social stability. This is why efficiency and fairness are both contradictory and unified and why it is never easy to handle the relationship between the two. In order to alleviate class contradictions, Western developed countries have incorporated socialist elements and are pursuing social security and welfare measures, to the point that some of these countries have implemented such measures to a much better degree than China, a socialist country, has yet to accomplish. Of course, it is unreasonable to make a sweeping comparison given the peculiarity of historical factors. Enhancing fairness does not mean a comeback of egalitarianism Attaching more importance to social fairness in the relationship between efficiency and fairness is an issue of public concern. However, some people are concerned that placing so much emphasis upon social fairness could lead to a return to the kind of egalitarianism that is inherent in the traditional system, and worry that somebody might be `purposefully hyping up" China's wide income gap in order to invite such a result. This concern is not without its reasons. There are indeed those who assert that the ability of the Chinese people to sustain the income gap has reached its limit, just as I have said in my previous analysis. However, discrepancies resulting from different research perspectives are understandable. We cannot overlook the possibility that a rapidly widening income gap could evolve into polarization, nor can we neglect the possibility that serious degrees of unfairness could trigger a potential social crisis. Being prepared and taking precautions against potential danger in times of peace is not without its positive significance. Reform in China has reached a point at which few people would wish to return to the old system of everybody eating from the same pot. As the concept and operational rules of a market economy have become embedded in people's minds, most people are able to understand and accept the high wages and the wide income gap resulting from honest labour and legal business, and to "become broad-minded about the widening income gap resulting from differences in wages and earnings from patents and capital investment." They are dissatisfied by the grey and black incomes acquired by bypassing the system, and by irregular incomes gained from taking advantage of legal loopholes. What people wish is to rectify these instances of unfairness and to use the re-distribution leverage to appropriately regulate discrepancies between the rich and the poor, but with no intention of touching upon high incomes obtained by legal means. Thus, emphasizing social equity can never result in a comeback of the egalitarianism that is inherent in the traditional system, nor challenge the public consensus which has been reached since the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world was adopted. In reality, remnants of egalitarianism are now limited to an increasingly small number of government institutions and industrial departments, and relatively large income gaps are also emerging between various government departments. We must continue to eliminate the remnants of egalitarianism but at present this is no longer the major area of contradiction, whereas it is the distribution of income that must be properly readjusted. I have yet another concern. The call of the 14th Party Congress for the construction of a new socialist market economic system is an integral concept in its own right, but it now seems to be in shreds-it appears that we've been emphasizing the market economy too much and socialism too little. Even when we do talk about socialism, we tend to emphasize its essence of "production development power" (or, to put it another way, raising efficiency) more than its nature of "common prosperity" (or "social fairness"). In China, where the rule of law is entangled with the rule of man, if we ignore the goal of common prosperity when building the market economy then we will end up with a market economy that belongs to the rich and powerful and which amounts to nothing more than polarization. Deng Xiaoping warned us that reform will have failed if it causes polarization. We must avoid this scenario. We certainly can avoid it, but only by attributing greater importance to the issue of social fairness. Discussing the issue of priority to efficiency in the appropriate arms Setting greater store by social fairness does not mean forsaking efficiency, but rather restricting talk about `priority to efficiency" to the areas in which it is more relevant. It should not be discussed in the field of income distribution. Efficiency, economic returns and quality correspond to speed, input and quantity respectively. The principle of our Party for changing the mode of economic growth (or the mode of development) calls for regarding quality returns and efficiency as cardinal factors in economic growth (development). A production manager may talk about "giving priority to efficiency while taking speed into account" and place quality and efficiency above all other considerations, but he should not achieve economic growth by relying mainly upon investing more and pursuing quantity. It is true that "development is the cardinal principle", but this does not apply to all forms of development. Development without paying due attention to efficiency and quality, for example, is no cardinal principle at all, and if allowed to grow unchecked, the consequences could be worrying. Deng Xiaoping said: "there is no need to worry about those who advocate efficiency and quality." Thus it is only proper to talk about giving priority to efficiency in the realm of production as this is where it belongs. Some people suggest that we should emphasize efficiency at the time of primary distribution, and then pay attention to fairness at the time of secondary redistribution. Is the issue of social fairness really not that important during primary distribution? Are the abnormally high private incomes of those in monopoly industries and the abnormally low private incomes of those in non-monopoly industries not issues of primary distribution? Some foreign-invested (and also domestically-invested) factories have long been underpaying their workers, especially farmer-workers. To put it another way they have been exploiting surplus value beyond all reason-is this not an issue of primary distribution? There are also many cases of black or grey incomes that are irregular, unlawful and cannot be accounted for-do they not occur in the course of primary distribution? Primary distribution is in disorder. Shouldn't the social inequity in the process of primary distribution also be addressed and solved? In China, merely waiting for readjustments to the state budget taxation and other forms of redistribution leverage is far from enough and this will make the problem of inequitable distribution impossible to remedy. All in all, given China's current situation, it is my belief that in the field of income distribution it is not necessary either to advocate "giving priority to efficiency while taking fairness into account", or to rehash the slogan of "emphasizing efficiency in primary distribution and emphasizing fairness in redistribution". Rather, we should emphasize giving more attention to social fairness, a choice that is consistent with both the reform situation and public sentiment and which will help stimulate enthusiasm for reforms.   ,gyukNe g^lQs^NHesTvsN` \OY T c[Ye^ @b(Wf[b NN| s~J\ [beg t^ g e v U_ўSO3S \VS[][P Lݍ1 P -NeXd0sQ.͋ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 1 N0lQs^NHesi_g & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 1 N lQs^vi_ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 1 N Hesvi_ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 1 N0lQs^NHesTSU\v_'` & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 2 N lQs^OHQv_N1Y & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 2 N HesOHQv_N1Y & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 3  N lQs^NHesTvsNN

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The Modern Thinking about the Construction of Fairness and Efficiency h:NTimes New Roman NS E\-NQeTimes New Roman\V L)ۏ2W[&{0 Abstract: The relationship between fairness and efficiency is an important issue that we will inevitably encounter in the course of social operation, and it is also a problem worth studying in the economics ethics field. Establish the development strategy based on fairness and centered on efficiency . To form an operation mechanism between fairness and efficiency . The formation of a benign interaction between fairness and efficiency of the operation mechanism. Not only attach importance to the development of productive forces, but also to the improvement productive relations. Bring workers initiative, enthusiasm and creativity into full play, and jointly promote the society's sustainable and healthy development. 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